Footprints for life

Transitando la Escuela

In the Moving through school (Transitando la Escuela project, in Spanish) we guarantee continuity, coherence, and high quality between preschool and formal education.

Transitando la EscuelaMoving through school

It is important to realize, most interventions in early childhood education focus on the period before school entry (below age 5). Moreover, often overlooked are the early years of formal education, when children learn how to read, write, and understand numbers. Those first years are vital for children to develop these competencies enabling them to continue learning throughout their educational path.

Thus, improving the quality of education offered during the early grades of formal education is critical to closing gaps earlier before costly remedial investments are required.

Students from the Transitando la Escuela project in Tibú
Students from the Transitando la Escuela project in Tibú

Given that, the Moving through school project is a program that promotes an intentional alignment between the supply of early education services and the first grades of schooling, giving continuity to the efforts and achievements derived from the first.

Hence, schools should be encouraged to:

  1. build relationships with early childhood educational settings and families and
  2. create high-quality learning environments to ensure not only a smooth transition between initial education and formal education but also to foster the development of social, cognitive, and emotional skills as a solid foundation for children’s educational trajectory.

Currently, we are implementing the Moving through school project in 15 schools in Barranquilla, Cartagena, Quibdó, and Tibú.

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